Retro Wrestling Reviews

A Brief Overview

Gus Edwards

Send Gus a message, tell him what you think of the show

In this trailer I discuss what to expect from future episodes of the Retro Wrestling Reviews podcast

Hello everyone, I’m Gus Edwards and welcome to the Retro Wrestling Review podcast.  


This is just a short introduction episode to let everyone know what the plans are for the podcast and a bit of a background on myself.  If you enjoy what you hear, please subscribe to the podcast so you know when new episodes are released.


This podcast will be weekly, and obviously as from the title, will be reviews of old wrestling shows.  Old/retro shows to me will probably be before the end of the Monday Night Wars in 2001, or even before the beginning of the Monday Night Wars in 1995.  I feel that era of wrestling has been oversaturated so there is no need for another podcast to go over the same period.


I’ll be starting off much earlier than 1995 though, back in September 1981, with Mid-Atlantic Wrestling.  I will be reviewing the weekly shows which are on the WWE Network.  I’m not too sure if these episodes have been uploaded to Peacock yet though, I’m based in the UK so I’m still on the original WWE Network.  But even if you can’t follow along by watching the shows, hopefully you will still enjoy the podcast.  Once I get to December 1981 I will introduce Mid South Wrestling reviews and in early 1982 I will also be adding in reviews of WCCW.


I have not decided yet whether they would all be in the same podcast episode or if I will do three separate shows for them, I will decide closer to the time depending on listener feedback.  If you have any thoughts on this, please get in touch.


This will also be a positive podcast, I feel there is too much negativity in wrestling these days, so I’m not going to make everyone miserable while they are at work, or at the gym, or wherever you are listening.  That’s not to say that I won’t be pointing out bad parts of the shows, its just that I will be trying to focus more on the good rather than the bad.


And now a bit of a background on myself and reasons for this podcast.  I’ve been a wrestling fan since the mid 80s, watching classic British wrestling – Big Daddy, etc.  I first saw WWF wrestling back in 1991 and was hooked straight away.  We also got WCW Worldwide Wrestling too at this point and I probably ended up a bigger WCW fan than WWF at the time.  


Being from the UK, I never got the old territory wrestling, so watching these shows on the WWE Network is the first time I have seen a lot of this content.  I always said when it came to my fandom that I was born 10 years too late and in the wrong country.


When it comes to modern wrestling, I’ve not consistently watched the weekly TV shows since about 2008/09 but I always keep up to date and still watch a bit of everything – WWE/NXT/AEW/New Japan.  I was always a bigger fan of promos and characters than I was of the in ring action and I feel that is what I, personally, am missing today, but its what I get from these old shows.  


Although, I’m also not one of those people who hate modern wrestling and wish everything was the way it was back in the good old days.  There are some fantastic athletes nowadays and the in ring action is of a very high quality.  I’ll bet if I was to watch all the weekly shows, I would see more great matches this week than I did in my first two years of watching wrestling.  Like I said earlier, I’m just more of a fan of characters and promos.


I hope you stick around for the reviews, the first one should be up in the next week or so at all the usual podcast hosts.  Subscribe, tell your friends and leave a review if you do enjoy them and I’ll hopefully speak to everyone very soon.