Retro Wrestling Reviews

Mid Atlantic Wrestling 21 November 1981

Gus Edwards

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On this episode Gus reviews Mid Atlantic Wrestling from 21 November 1981.  We see Ricky Steamboat and Jake Roberts in tag team action, along with Jay Youngblood, Jimmy Valiant and Sgt Slaughter.  Also we hear from Sandy Scott who announces his special prize to lure more wrestlers to the territory.

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Mid Atlantic Wrestling – 21 November 1981


Bob and David at the desk and they introduce Sandy Scott the Mid Atlantic matchmaker.  Scott wants to get the best talent into the territory and he has offered them big money and later on he will make an announcement.  Previewing the show and Jay Youngblood, Roddy Piper, Sgt Slaughter, Jimmy Valiant and much more on the show this week.  We then head to the ring.


Ricky Harris against Jay Youngblood.  Youngblood hits a couple of really nice standing dropkicks.  Working over a headlock.  Bob claims Harris is about 6’6, which is a bit of a credibility killer for Bob, its not like him.  Then again he did once claim Sgt Slaughter was 310lbs of solid muscle with no fat.  Youngblood wins with a chop to the head and an elbow drop.


Sgt Slaughter, the US Champion and Jim Nelson are out at the desk.  The show a clip of Wahoo McDaniel saying nobody wants to face him, he has only wrestled once in 4 weeks on TV.  Slaughter brings out a signed contract for Wahoo, telling him to come out and face him on TV or anyplace.  


Slaughter heads to the ring to face a very small Ken Hall.  Slaughter dominates this match and puts on the cobra clutch for the win while shouting for Wahoo.


We go to an interview segment hyping up a house show coming up in February!  Ivan Koloff v Jimmy Valiant title v Jimmy’s Cadillac.  Ivan Koloff is the new TV Champion, he defeated Ron Bass on November 3rd.  Strange they are building up a house show which is over two months away.


Sandy Scott is back out for his announcement.  They are going to be putting up a 1982 Cadillac, worth $17-20k and they are going to put it up in either a battle royal or a tournament and they are hoping that will be an incentive to bring in more top talent.  One wrestler who is coming in is Wildfire Tommy Rich and they show a video of him from Georgia wrestling Tony Russo.  Back to Sandy Scott and Roddy Piper comes out, he has beaten Ricky Steamboat for the Mid Atlantic title, he wants in the tournament for the car.  Ole and Slaughter come out too and they want the car as well.  Sandy Scott then shows another tape and its Angelo Mosca who is coming into Mid Atlantic.  This is footage from a WWWF show as Lou Albano is on the outside.  


Back from the break and Jay Youngblood, Ricky Steamboat and Jake Roberts are with Bob.  Youngblood wants to take Slaughter’s open contract.  Steamboat talks about wanting a match with Piper for the Mid Atlantic title.  Roberts is wanting Ole Anderson


To the ring and its Handsome Jimmy Valiant against Dick Rivers.  Doesn’t take long, Valiant jumps Rivers before the bell and beats him in under 20 seconds.  Valiant is just a bucket of charisma.


Piper is back out with Bob.  He is fed up with people calling him a coward.  They show a clip of a Steamboat match, the referee is bumped and Piper runs in and takes out Steamboat.  Steamboat comes out into the ring to interrupt but Piper won’t face him.


Back to the house show promotion and Jay Youngblood and Ray Stevens and being interviewed about a tag match against the Ninja and Chow Sun.  Jimmy Valiant is interviewed about the title v car no DQ match against Ivan Koloff.  Barry Windham, going as Blackjack Mulligan Jr is interviewed as he is getting a world’s title shot against Ric Flair.  


Time for the main event and its Ricky Steamboat and Jake Roberts against the Super Destroyer and the Grappler.  Steamboat and Roberts start off fast and take control of the match.  We are about a good 5 minutes into this match and the Grappler and the Destroyer haven’t had a single offensive manoeuvre.  They finally get the heat on Jake.  The crowd are properly getting into this.  David lets us know there are 5 minutes left in the programme.  Piper and Anderson come out.  Roberts hits a DDT, but again its still not a finisher at this point, but allows him to make the hot tag to Steamboat.  Piper pulls Grappler out the ring for the DQ, but then it breaks down into a brawl between Piper and Steamboat.  Ricky gets the best of it and Piper and Anderson bail.  


Steamboat and Roberts end the show with an interview, they show the rest of the tape from earlier when Piper attacked Steamboat.